Clarkston Community Hall

Refurbishment of Clarkston Community Hall
East Renfrewshire Council

We delivered the internal and external refurbishment of Clarkston Community Hall for East Renfrewshire Council.

  • Downtakings
  • Creation of new stud partition walls to create new facilities
  • Plumbing works
  • Electrical works
  • Internal alterations
  • Creation of new toilet facilities
  • Creation of new internal disabled access with ‘slap throughs’ including internal structure slappings
  • Decoration
  • New render
  • Creation of new external disabled access ramp of concrete slab with brick finish

A high-quality finish was expected by the client to be delivered within the programme timescales, and taken into consideration the project constraints that this particular site presented.

Because the site was located in the town centre and a ‘live environment’ with remaining operationally open throughout the works, ‘a high standard of professional site housekeeping was critical to the successful delivery of the project.

The council also expected, especially considering the site location, the successful contractor to be highly experienced in reducing waste and recovering materials throughout the contract period.

our service model was based on our ‘tried and tested’ methodology and approach to ensuring that a high-quality finish was delivered on time, this included operating a robust inspection and acceptance regime, and effective resource scheduling.

Our approach to good housekeeping within live environments has been effectively developed over the years of successfully delivering these services to many of our long-standing clients. We provided evidence of how we were going to ensure that housekeeping was a priority in this live environment, and also detailed the measures adopted to ensure that the site remained clean and tidy, free from hazards and safe at all times.

We implemented and maintained a robust ‘Site Waste Management Plan’ and together with our General Manager who is a member of the ‘Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment’ (IEMA) used their enhanced knowledge to support and guide us through our environmental responsibilities throughout the Clarkston Hall project.

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