Refurbishing the Cumbernauld Police Station for North Lanarkshire Council and Police Scotland. Repair and upgrading work was essential to maintain the building integrity.
The scope of works included:
The main challenge of this project is working in the live environment of a police station. For example, the police station has to remain fully functional 24 hours a day. This includes arrested members of the public being in close proximity to our works. In addition, it is vital that police vehicle access is maintained throughout the duration of the contract.
To overcome this challenge and effectively manage risks in a live environment, we developed a comprehensive risk register, with mitigating actions and control mechanisms.
To proactively mitigate risks and issues associated with working in a live environment, Procast completed a thorough site survey as part of our mobilisation strategy. We used the results of the site survey to formulate and develop site-specific Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS).
Our RAMS cover included:
Once risks had been identified, risk controls were formulated and communicated to all Operatives through our method statements and weekly toolbox talks.
To ensure vehicle access was maintained throughout the duration of works, we implemented an effective Traffic Management Plan together with control measures. This allows all site operations to be carried out with minimum disruption to the police station, staff, members of the public and the local surrounding area.
To ensure pedestrian and staff access was maintained, we developed a works schedule aligned with the needs of all stakeholders. This confirmed all access, exit and evacuation routes. To maintain pedestrian and staff access safely, Procast implemented signing and barrier control to manage pedestrian routes. We also created specific pedestrian routes within the site to ensure adequate protection was provided for all site operatives and visitors.
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