PROCAST have extended their portfolio of projects in East Renfrewshire after securing a major contract to design, construct and fit out a £1.8 million extension to St Ninian’s High School.
The single-storey modular building will accommodate six classrooms, a plant room and male, female and accessible toilet facilities.
Access to the extension is via proposed inner and outer aluminium-framed, glazed, hinged doors and screens, and a new link corridor will connect the extension to the existing school building.
The project also includes floor, wall and ceiling finishes, fitted furniture, loose furniture and mechanical, electrical and plumbing services.
External works include retaining walls and making good surfacing and drainage works.
The project – which will commence on November 30, 2020, and run to completion in June, 2021 – will present a number of challenges, not least the appearance, which has to be in keeping with the existing school, with the use of metal roof and wall cladding plus red-brick facades.
Furthermore, because the school will be fully operational for the duration of the project and the new building will be constructed within the playground, Procast will have to ensure that rigorous traffic management procedures are followed.
Also, crane-lifts for the modular units will be scheduled at weekends and management of downtakings in a live environment will be organised to minimise disruption and to comply with health and safety standards.
Procast will also carefully plan and manage the programme of works around the day-to-day needs of the school.
The clinching of this contract comes just two weeks after the announcement by the company on September 30, 2020, that they had been selected to deliver a major programme of housing improvements across East Renfrewshire.
These new school facilities at St Ninian’s are part of Procast’s core services, which are being delivered to North Ayrshire Council for the Onthank Early Years Centre and to North Lanarkshire Council for Cleland Primary and Whitelees Primary Schools.
Procast director Frank McManus said: “We are delighted to have been awarded this project after a very rigorous tendering process. Recently, we have successfully completed other school expansion projects and will use this experience, plus lessons learned, to thrive and again successfully provide these additional facilities.
“From the pre-planning stage through to completing works on site, we will identify and put measures in place to keep the school kids and other members of the public safe and reduce disruption.
“These new facilities will be a great addition to the school and wider local community.”
The project has been procured under the Procurement for Housing (PfH) Capital Works Dynamic Purchasing System Lot 7 Insulation.
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